About Us
Lisa is not game to count the number of spindles or looms that she owns, but is the first to admit that if it entails working with yarn or fiber, she is happy. If she can do that whilst listening to music, indulging in word play and reading Sir Terry Pratchett, then Lisa believes she lives the ‘Good Life’: with only a resident cat needed to achieve the ‘Perfect Life’.
Lisa is a firm believer that “too many spinning wheels” is two more than you currently own. Upon her recent move to The Southern Highlands, she set to work restoring an old Ashford Traditional spinning wheel, which has been named ‘Matilda’.
Lisa also owns an Ashford Kiwi 2 (known as ‘U2’ because she treadles so fast on it that it ‘Rattles & Hums’) as well as a John Rappard Wee Peggy, a precursor to Ashford’s Wee Peggy wheels. The Dreaming Robot’s original kickstarter wheel, the Electric Eel (literally held together with rubber bands) and the Little Nano make up her collection of wheels. She aspires to owning an Ashford eSpinner when she grows up.
Michaela has loved nature since growing up in rural England, almost a century ago (or so it seems). She is passionate about photographing all things natural and has held numerous exhibitions of her work, much of which includes abstract and/or close-up interpretations of a subject. She has published an Apple eBook titled “Creating Satisfying Photos”.
Michaela is currently assessing the feasibility of producing “natural” jewellery (earrings, pendants and necklaces) from items such as gum-nuts, bamboo culms and nodes, preserved flowers, and anything else natural and ‘different’.
Michaela is also an App Developer for Apple devices. As a retired IT Practitioner, with over 50 years experience, her empahisis is now on useful projects for friends, family and herself.