Blog 21 Jan 2024

January 21, 2024

Incredibly hard to believe that week 3 of 2024 is drawing to a close. Time certainly does fly. #spin24in24 is going well and this week, I focussed on using my square drop spindle. Production wise, drop spindling may not be the wisest choice, but mindfulness is certainly achievable.

I am still working out the details/logistics of combining my breed study with other activities, and to this end, I most productively coloured, laminated and built a 12 sided die (dodecahedron) this week.

Looking forward to the sock spinalong which kicks off this coming Wednesday and in despair about the lace moth invasion in the vegetable garden.

Feeling grateful that the younger of the two cats kindly refrained from bringing into the house another juvenile black snake. I can cope with skinks, dragonflies etc, but not snakes.



Current WIPs:

Have cast on a Kari shawl for a dear friend; socks; blending fibre for socks.

Languishing WIPs:

Jumper and hexipuffs

What I am reading:

Tapestry weaving

What I am watching:

Tapestry weaving on YouTube

What I am listening to:

Whatever the mood feels like

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