Blog 28 Jan 2024

January 28, 2024

#spin24in24 is progressing well. It is a constant source of amazement, to me, that a piece of fluff can be transformed into something useful…

The above fibre was found deep in stash…F Is For Fidelio, Custom Blend Fibre from the now defunct (unfortunately) Countess Ablaze. It is a mix of 75% Merino, 12.5% Rose fibre and 12.5% Trilobal nylon.

Spin for socks also kicked off this past week, and I am still experimenting with different fibres to use. I have decided that the pattern I will use is Balbriggan Harbour Socks .

On Tuesday, my new purchase of an Ashford weaving frame arrived. So very excited and happy with this. Especially as I feel that plenty of experience with this will possibly inspire and give me the confidence to use my exceptionally large tapestry loom - rug making size! I rang the supplier (The Wool Room in Young, NSW) to THANK them and discovered that no one ever rings to thank them, only to complain. A sad reflection on today’s world.

Current WIPs:

Socks; shawl

Languishing WIPs:

jumper and hexipuffs

What I am reading:

Old copies of Spin-Off Magazine

What I am watching:

Binge watching Once Upon a Time and Craftmehappy on YouTube

What I am listening to:

Just a Minute on the BBC app

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