Blog 7 Jan 2024

January 7, 2024

A belated Happy New Year!

2024 is the year that I have decided to spin for at least 24 minutes each day (#spin24in24) It is of no importance to me if I use a spindle or a wheel in this aim, but I have noticed that, so far, I have used a drop spindle to ply each day.

(Days 1-6 of #spin24in24)

Imagine my delight when I discovered that Cary, of My Wool Mitten Farm podcast, was hosting a Spin to Knit your socks KAL again this year…starting on January…24th, her birthday! A happy coincidence, or proof that my intentions had placed me on the correct path. If I had needed further confirmation of having made the right decision, I stumbled across a “Mingoism” that stated “Wrap yourself in light and spin into freedom”.

I am taking great delight in walking around the garden each day, there is always something new to be seen (this morning it was a new batch of tadpole spawn in our pond). The sweet corn is in competition with the tomatoes in which can reach new heights and the flowers planted in the natural dye garden are finally starting to bud.


I cannot comment on finished objects at the moment, as several family members were unwell at Christmas and have not yet received their gifts.

Current WIPs:

Socks; socks; socks. Have dyed up a combination of Polwarth and Valais Blacknose fleece this morning, which will be combined with Alpaca when dry.

Languishing WIPs:

Son-in-law’s jumper and hexipuffs. (Knitting mojo has been missing in action for a good while!)

What I am reading:

Scouring the internet to find what is the best/sturdiest/warmest, (not to mention softest) of fleece & fibres for spinning sock yarns; rereading my Terry Pratchett books; Journeys in Natural Dyeing by Kristine Vera and Adrienne Rodriguez.

What I am watching:

I series binged ‘The Cleaner’ late last year; tried and failed miserably to get into ‘Ghosts’; and my normal YouTube peeps.

What I am listening to:

BBC Sounds (love this app); Neil Diamond; Cat Stevens.

Future plans:

As I am still struggling with making a decision about spinning a) Sheep Breed Study (currently have over 65 different breeds/fiber types in stash); b) The Spinner’s Book of Yarn Designs and c) 51 Yarns to Spin Before You Cast Off, I am thinking that I might go with a random dice roll each week, with allocating each a designated number.

Suggestions/ideas on the above will be gratefully accepted!

I would also like to head down the tapestry weaving pathway at some stage this year.

Ensuring that the younger rescue cat understands that bringing juvenile black snakes inside for all to admire (?), her to play with, is not viable, a good idea, or even acceptable!

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